January 15, 2016

Civil Orders of Protection

OLR Report 2015-R-0172 describes the three types of civil orders of protection that may be issued by a Connecticut court or registered in Connecticut:
  • A civil restraining order provides relief from physical abuse, stalking, or a pattern of threatening from a family or household member.
  • A civil protection order provides protection to a victim of sexual abuse, sexual assault, or stalking who is not eligible for a restraining order.
  • A foreign order of protection is a court order registered in Connecticut but issued by another state; the District of Columbia; a U. S. commonwealth, territory, or possession; or an Indian tribe to prevent violence, threatening acts, or harassment against; contact or communication with; or physical proximity to another person.

The report describes the circumstances under which individuals may apply for an order or the court may issue it, the kinds of measures the order may include, and the penalties for violating it.

The Judicial Branch pays for the cost of serving civil restraining and civil protection orders, which are effective for up to one year unless extended by the court upon the applicant’s motion.

All civil orders of protection must be included in the state Protection Order Registry, which is an automated repository that provides current information on orders of protection to the courts and the criminal justice community.

Read the full report for additional information.