September 18, 2013

Hot Report: Suspected Child Sexual Abuse Reporting By the State's Colleges and Universities

OLR Report 2013-R-0283 summarizes the policies the state's higher education institutions have adopted on the reporting of suspected child sexual abuse that occurs on their campuses.

There is considerable variation in how the state's public and private colleges and universities respond to reports of suspected child abuse, including child sexual abuse, that occurs on their campuses or at school-sponsored events. While most schools have a policy on how to deal with such abuse, some do not. The more comprehensive policies, such as UConn's, include a clear direction to report the abuse and expressly reference the state's mandated reporter law. Some of the policies explicitly reference the term child sexual abuse, while others use the more generic child abuse term, which, by law, includes sexual abuse. Most of the policies were adopted within the last year.

For more information, read the full report.