December 7, 2011

Hot Topic: Mandated Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse

OLR Report 2011-R-0397 list all Connecticut mandated reporters of child sexual abuse and (2) identifies states that have a universal mandated reporter requirement (i.e., they require anyone to report, not just enumerated professionals).

Connecticut law requires people in certain professions or occupations that typically bring them into contact with children and parents to report to either the Department of Children and Families (DCF) or law enforcement officials if, during the ordinary course of their employment or profession, they reasonably suspect that a child under age 18 has been abused. These people, who are generally referred to as mandated reporters, include physicians and other health care workers, teachers and other school employees, law enforcement officials, child care providers, mental health professionals, DCF employees, and domestic violence workers. All other members of the public are nonmandated reporters, who may but are not required to report suspected abuse.

Eighteen states have a universal reporter requirement, meaning that anyone who suspects child abuse is required to report. Sixteen of these specify professionals who must report but also require everyone else to report, regardless of profession. Of the 18, nearly half appear to mandate reports only in situations where the abuse is perpetrated by a parent or other person responsible for the child's care or custody.

For more information, read the full report.