March 3, 2015

Study Links Energy Drinks and Adolescent Hyperactivity

Researchers at Yale’s School of Public Health recently published a study that found, perhaps not surprisingly, a strong correlation between the amount of heavily sweetened beverages adolescents consume and their risk for symptoms of hyperactivity and inattention.

The researchers interviewed 1649 middle school students and found (1) that the risk of hyperactivity and inattention increased by 14% for every sweetened beverage the student consumed and (2) students who reported consuming energy drinks, which typically contain both sugar and caffeine, were 66% more likely to display hyperactivity and inattention symptoms.
According to the lead researcher, Prof. Jeannette Ickovics, “Our results support the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation that parents should limit consumption of sweetened beverages and that children should not consume any energy drinks.”

Click here to read the full study in Academic Pediatrics (subscription required).