March 2, 2015

New Report: Veterans' Property Tax Exemptions

OLR Report 2015-R-0011 provides an overview of Connecticut’s veterans’ property tax exemptions.

The law requires municipalities to give wartime veterans and their surviving spouses certain property tax exemptions, commonly referred to as state-mandated exemptions. With their legislative bodies' approval, municipalities may grant an additional exemption, commonly referred to as a local-option exemption.  The exemption amount is a reduction in the property's assessed value on which taxes are owed, not a credit against the amount of the tax.

Additionally, the law requires municipalities to increase state-mandated and local-option exemptions if a revaluation done on and after October 1, 1990 results in a grant list increase (CGS § 12-62g). 

Veterans rated by the U.S. Veterans Administration (VA) as having a disability are eligible for property tax exemptions over and above those available to other veterans, provided they meet specified criteria. The exemption amount depends on the severity of the disability and other factors, including the veteran's income.

Veterans’ exemptions are not automatic.  By law, eligible claimants must apply for them and provide proof of eligibility.

For more information, read the full report.