January 29, 2014

Hot Report: Abortion Clinics in Connecticut - Update

OLR Report 2014-R-0026 answers several questions pertaining to the licensing, inspection, facilities, and procedures of family planning clinics in Connecticut. It updates OLR Report 2013-R-0238 and provides additional information. The questions include:
  1. Does the state license abortion clinics? How many clinics currently exist?
  2. What level of service do the clinics provide?
  3. Are there state sanitation requirements for abortion clinics?
  4. Does the state inspect abortion clinics? Are clinics notified of the inspection in advance?
  5. If DPH finds a violation during an inspection of an abortion clinic, what steps must the clinic take to correct the violation?
  6. Are abortion clinics subject to federal health regulations or inspections?
  7. Have there been any cases of deaths or serious complications attributable to abortion clinics in Connecticut since the state began regulating these clinics?
  8. Have any abortion clinics in Connecticut been closed, either temporarily or permanently, due to a violation of state regulations? Have any been cited for infractions or compliance in the past 10 years?
  9. What records are abortion clinics required to maintain?
  10. What term of pregnancy qualifies for an abortion in Connecticut?
  11. Are late-term abortions treated differently?
  12. What are the licensure requirements to perform or assist in an abortion procedure?
  13. What are the licensure requirements for staff employees?
  14. What anesthesia policies are required for the mother and fetus being aborted?
  15. Are there patient follow-up procedures and if so, are they practiced?
  16. Are patients advised before the abortion about the risks and alternatives?
  17. Are there emergency procedures in place in case there are complications during surgery?
  18. What Connecticut regulations address an abortion procedure where the baby is “born alive”? What is the abortion clinic’s responsibility in this situation?
  19. Are there any “born-alive” statutes in Connecticut similar to the 2002 federal born-alive infants protection act?  
For more information, including answers to these questions, read the full report.