November 26, 2013

Buyer Tips for Heating Oil and Propane

As it gets colder, many people are buying heating oil or propane to heat their homes.  The Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) has provided some tips to help save money on heating this winter.  DCP suggests, among other things, to:

  1. do an energy audit to identify where your home can become more energy efficient;
  2. consider replacing older heating units (e.g., 20 years or more);
  3. first check online for wholesale and retail oil prices and make sure the dealer is registered with DCP;
  4. be careful with pre-buy contracts because prices fluctuate, and if you are going to get a pre-buy contract, use a credit card with purchase protection and buy from a dealer you have dealt with before;
  5. make sure contracts meet all the requirements set under Connecticut law (e.g., not longer than 18 months, etc.); and
  6. ask for a signed, dated copy of any contract you sign, and hold on to all receipts for a year.