March 27, 2013

Hot Report: Gun-Free School Zones

OLR Report 2013-R-0192 explains if a state law authorizing off-duty law enforcement officers to carry firearms in a gun-free school zone would conflict with the Federal Gun-Free School Zone Act.
Th Office of Legislative Research is not authorized to give legal opinions and this report should not be construed as such.

Federal law generally bans possession of firearms within an elementary or secondary school, on school property, or within 1,000 feet of school property. The law exempts law enforcement officers acting in their official capacity, but not off-duty officers, from the ban. Thus, off-duty officers cannot legally possess firearms in these zones by virtue of their office. But like other individuals, they may possess firearms within the zone under a license exemption to the ban. This provision exempts from the ban anyone licensed by the state in which the school zone is located, or by a political subdivision of the state, if the law required the licensing authority to verify that the person is qualified to receive the license.

The law also states that it does not preempt or prevent states or local governments from enacting gun-free school zone laws. As is the case with the federal law, Connecticut's Gun-Free School Zones Act contains no exception for off-duty law enforcement officers. Authorizing an exemption for law enforcement officers, solely by virtue of their office, would conflict with federal law.

For more information, read the full report.