July 16, 2012

Foster Care Rates—Latest National Figures

The Child Welfare Information Gateway, a national child welfare information clearinghouse, recently published its annual national statistical estimates for the number of children and youth in foster care during FFY 10. The data includes earlier (2000) data that allow for trend estimates.

The data show that there were approximately 408,000 children in foster care (defined as 24-hour substitute care for children outside their homes) on September 30, 2010. A little more than a quarter were living in relative care, while almost half were in non-relative foster family homes. The data show that on a given date both the number of children who were in foster care, as well as those who entered and exited foster care during 2010, decreased when compared to 2000. The types of placements did not change much over time.

During this same 10-year period, a smaller number of children who exited foster care were reunited with their families, while there was an increase in children exiting foster care who were adopted, became emancipated, or lived with a guardian.

The report also provides information on average length of stay in foster care, and the age, race, ethnicity, and gender of these children.

The data used to compile the report show that in Connecticut in FFY 2010, 2,483 children entered foster care and 2,652 exited care, while 4,462 children were in foster care on September 30, 2010.