December 20, 2013

Disposing of or Recycling Holiday-Related Items

The holiday season is upon us. Fireplaces are lit, drinks poured, lights go up, and packages mailed. Many of these activities generate waste that should be disposed of, reused, or recycled using special procedures. The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection maintains a guide for residents on how to properly dispose of, reuse, or recycle these types of less common household waste.

For example, wood ash (from untreated or unpainted wood) from stoves or fireplaces can be used in compost or soil, or as traction against snow and ice. Wine bottle corks can be used in craft and art projects, as mulch for gardens, or as a drainage method in potted plants.

Holiday string lighting is recyclable and by recycling it, toxins in the electric cables are kept out of incinerators. Residents should check with their local municipal recycling coordinators for information about holiday light collection programs. Some retailers, such as Home Depot, operate trade-in or recycling collection programs for these lights. Packing peanuts (i.e., polystyrene loose fill) can be reused and the Plastic Loose Fill Council maintains a Peanut Hotline to help people locate drop off centers for the material.