June 12, 2013

Presidential Commission on Election Administration

The 10-member the Presidential Commission on Election Administration (PCEA) recently announced that it will hold its first public meeting on June, 21, 2013.  PCEA’s mission is to identify best practices and make recommendations on the efficient administration of elections to (1) ensure that all eligible voters have the opportunity to cast their ballots without undue delay and (2) improve the experience of voters who may face other obstacles in casting their ballots, such as members of the military, overseas voters, voters with disabilities, and voters with limited English proficiency. 

In March 2013, President Obama signed Executive Order 13936 establishing PCEA.  Among other things, the commission will consider:
  • polling place location, management, operation, and design;
  • poll worker training and recruitment;
  • voting accessibility for military and overseas voters and  individuals with disabilities, limited English proficiency, and other special needs;
  • voter rolls and poll book management;
  • voting machine capacity and technology;
  • ballot simplicity and voter education;
  • provisional ballot issuance and management;
  • absentee ballot programs; and
  • contingency plans for natural disasters and other emergencies.
Under the executive order, PCEA must submit its final report to the President within six months after its first meeting.  It terminates 30 days later. 

This article from USA Today has more information on the commission and its members.  To receive email updates on its progress, sign up on its website.