The Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA) created performance bonuses to encourage states to enroll more children in Medicaid and S-CHIP (HUSKY B in Connecticut) and reduce the number of eligible children who drop out. In order to qualify, state programs must have at least five of the following features:
- use of the same application and renewal forms for Medicaid and S-CHIP;
- few or no asset verification requirements;
- procedures allowing applicants to enroll without in-person interviews;
- presumptive eligibility rules, allowing health care providers to conditionally enroll and treat children while official eligibility determinations are pending;
- "express lane" eligibility rules, allowing applicants to enroll if they are participating in other public assistance programs with similar eligibility rules;
- subsidized premiums for S-CHIP enrollees whose incomes or assets are slightly above Medicaid program limits;
- 12 month, continuous eligibility rules, allowing children to remain enrolled for a full year regardless of changes in circumstances that would otherwise make them ineligible earlier; and
- streamlined, automatic or administrative renewal procedures.