May 21, 2012

New Probate Court Rules Regarding Confidentiality of Social Security Numbers

New rules will take effect July 1, 2012 regarding the confidentiality of social security numbers (SSNs) and employer identification numbers (EINs) on documents filed in probate court. For example, the rules require anyone filing documents with the court to omit SSNs or EINs and to redact any SSNs or EINs that appear on the documents, except as specifically requested in an official court form or otherwise provided by law or court order.

If an SSN or EIN is required in connection with a probate court matter, the number must be reported on a separate sheet, which must contain specified information and remain confidential. The rules limit the circumstances in which the court can disclose the number, only allowing disclosure (1) if the court determines that a person needs the number for a proper purpose directly related to the matter before the court or (2) to government agencies or representatives acting in their official capacity.