May 2, 2012

Hot Report: Utility Terminations

OLR Report 2012-R-0170 summarizes the law regarding residential terminations by utilities. It also explains whether the law requires a utility to notify the municipality where the affected customer lives, so that it could check on his or her welfare.

CGS § 16-262c limits when utilities can terminate residential service. Some of the restrictions apply to all residential customers, e.g., utilities cannot terminate residential service on weekends or holidays. Electric and gas companies and municipal electric or gas utilities may not terminate, deny or refuse to reinstate residential electric or gas service to customers who cannot pay their bills if doing so would create a life-threatening situation for the customer or a member of his or her household. Additional termination restrictions apply to terminations in hardship cases, e.g., low-income customers or those with a seriously ill family member.

The law does not require the utility to notify the municipality where the customer lives of an impending termination. However, in practice, a number of utilities allow customers to designate anyone as a third party to receive advance notice of termination notices.

For a fuller explanation, read the report.