November 15, 2011

Many Teens Endure Sexual Harassment

Education Week highlights a report examining the problem of sexual harrassment that students face in middle and high school. The report, released by the American Association of University Women, is the first study using a national sample of students in a decade and used students from grades 7 through 12.

Of the nearly 2,000 students surveyed, 48 percent of them had experienced verbal, physical, or online sexual harassment at school during the 2010-11 school year.
Students face physical harrassment, including groping and severe physical attacks but also gossip, teasing, and online harrassment.

The report also brought to light that students who are harrassed are more likely to become harrassers themselves.

The survey collected ideas from students about ways to fight the problem, which included:
  • designating a person they can talk to (39 percent),
  • providing online resources (22 percent),
  • holding in-class discussions (31 percent).
  • allowing students to anonymously report problems recommendation (57 percent), and 
  • enforcing sexual harassment policies (51 percent).