September 9, 2014

Hot Report: UConn Student Code Violations

OLR Report 2014-R-0222 answers the questions: What are the possible sanctions for conduct violating UConn’s Student Code? How many times has UConn imposed each sanction in the last five academic years and for which offenses?

UConn’s Student Code contains standards, rules, and regulations to which all UConn students and organizations must adhere. It contains four primary sanctions:  warning, probation, suspension, and expulsion. UConn may also impose secondary sanctions in conjunction with the primary sanctions, including loss of privileges, removal from student housing, restitution, and participation in educational programming.

Under the code, sanctions may be imposed, individually or in various combinations, against any student found to have violated it. The code, with certain exceptions, generally does not provide any guidelines for sanctions that are tied to specific offenses. According UConn’s Office of Community Standards, which administers the code, any violation may result in a suspension or expulsion, depending on the case’s factors and individual circumstances.

Tables 3 and 4 in th report list the number of times that UConn imposed each type of primary and secondary sanction, respectively, in the previous five academic years. Tables 5 and 6 provide additional details about suspensions and expulsions, respectively, including the offenses that led to these sanctions. The data, which are from reports by UConn’s Office of Community Standards, do not list the offenses that resulted in other types of sanctions (e.g., warnings or probation).
For more information, read the full report.