September 4, 2014

Hot Report: Required Data in the Public School Information System

OLR Report 2014-R-0220 describes the types of data that must be included in the Public School Information System (PSIS) and includes the appropriate statutory references.

PSIS contains data related to each K-12 student and teacher in Connecticut public schools. State law requires the State Department of Education (SDE) to develop and implement PSIS to (1) establish a standardized electronic data collection and reporting protocol to comply with state and federal reporting requirements, (2) improve the exchange of information from school-to-school and district-to-district, and (3) maintain the confidentiality of individual student and teacher data (CGS § 10-10a(b)).
SDE’s Data Collection Guide requires districts to submit two types of data to PSIS:
  1. data specifically included in the PSIS enabling statute and
  2. data not specifically included in the PSIS enabling statute that is (a) specifically listed elsewhere in statute or (b) unspecified and associated with certain education programs or provisions created in statute.
For more information, read the full report.