September 21, 2011

Marketing 101

Credit card firms and other companies targeting college students have long been a staple on campuses. But in a new twist, the companies are increasingly using the students themselves to do the marketing. A recent New York Times article highlights this practice, estimating that 10,000 college students across the country are serving as “brand ambassadors” for various corporations. The work involves any number of duties, such as organizing marketing events and product demos, promoting the firm through social media, wearing and distributing company apparel, helping students move into the dorms, and many others.

According to the article, the trend is a response to the declining effectiveness of traditional marketing methods. For the students, the rewards include hundreds or even thousands of dollars in cash, free products, and job experience. For the corporations, the student ambassadors provide a personal connection to a customer base that not only spent an estimated $36 billion on clothing and consumer products in 2010-2011, but, the companies hope, will also develop life-long brand loyalties.