How do you
future-proof your organization? According to Hamel:
1. Anticipate change by resisting the
tendency to avoid or ignore disconcerting developments; paying attention to new
technologies, unconventional competitors, and unserved customers; and act out how
changes will affect you.
2. Solicit options from employees,
vendors, and customers and learn how to experiment cheaply by using
storyboards, simulations, role-playing scenarios, and cheap product or service
mock-ups (i.e., rapid prototyping).
3. Become flexible by subdividing
large, complex organizational units into smaller differentiated ones; allowing
people proposing new products and services to compete for resources with those
invested in established ones; and multiply the funding sources for developing
new products and services.
4. Avoid (a) investments that preclude
future mid-course corrections, (b) inflexible product designs and service
models; and (c) investing too much in one product or market.
5. Program your organizational DNA for
resilience by challenging your employees to come up with new ideas, studying
how other entities change and adapt, and using the web to foster collaboration.
Here are more of Hamel's ideas: