February 10, 2011
Cyberstalking, Cyberharrassment, or Cyberbullying?
Cyberstalking, cyberharassment, and cyberbullying generally refer to the use of the Internet or other electronic communication to harass, threaten, or intimidate someone. The prevalence of these behaviors is not known, but they presage more harmful behaviors, including physical violence, according to some reports. “Cyberbullying” especially has been a focus of several recent news stories. This is a form of bullying that involves one student or a group of students inflicting repeated harassment, threats, humiliation, or harm on another student (i.e., bullying him or her) through the use of a computer, cell phone, or other electronic device. Four states, Georgia, Louisiana, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire enacted cyberbullying prevention laws in 2010, and one, Nevada, did so in 2009. All five laws contain new or expanded definitions of bullying and cyberbullying. A National Conference of State Legislature report, updated December 29, 2010, presents an overview of state laws on cyberstalking, cyberharassment, and cyberbullying.