October 29, 2010

Sentenced Inmate Population Down; Unsentenced Population Up

As of October 25, 2010, Connecticut’s prison population was 18,336. This is well below the high of 19,894 inmates on February 1, 2008. Over nearly four years (since January 1, 2007), the prison population ranged between the high of 19,894 and a low of 18,052 on January 1, 2010.

The prison population primarily consists of two types of inmates: those who are sentenced and those who are unsentenced. Unsentenced inmates are those held on bond while awaiting trial or convicted and awaiting sentencing.

In recent weeks, the sentenced population has been at its lowest point in the last four years while the unsentenced population has been at its highest. Since January 1, 2007:

1. the sentenced inmate population varied from a low of 13,765 on October 13, 2010 to a high of 15,465 on February 8, 2008 and

2. the unsentenced inmate population ranged from a low of 4,011 on May 8, 2009 to a high of 4,772 on September 21, 2010.